Date Type Num piece Identification client Produits HT TVA TTC Remise Type Remise 06/08/2024 fac I1853 Petit alexandre , vrac w2 22.02 4.4 26.42 tefzm6hfae cb 06/08/2024 fac I1852 zip , ticket tombola 5 1 6.00 tcs4vtefms cb 06/08/2024 fac I1851 richard marysse , monge *6 85g, animonda mousse *6, croq vrac 36.9 7.38 44.28 tlaksqqzs cb 06/08/2024 fac I1850 06/07 , animonda mousse *6, animonda terrine carny *6 11.25 2.25 13.50 te43syfvpp cb 27/07/2024 fac I1849 laraine laurence , ticket tombola 3.33 0.67 4.00 4487289 chèque 18/07/2024 fac I1848 bertin Elisabeth , terrine animonda x6, 6x carny ocean, 6x mousse animonda, 6 x almo complet, tablette seraquin 36.25 7.25 43.50 virement 18/07/2024 fac I1847 buquet , litiere , sachet animonda *6 50g, carny *6, barquette animonda *6, mousse animonda*6, W1 1.5kg 48.33 9.67 58.00 virement 17/07/2024 fac I1846 constant therese , litiere, orijen chien 107.5 21.5 129.00 4487284 chèque 07/07/2024 fac I1845 richard marysse , monge 85g *6, monge 85g *1 20 4 24.00 teeds2tles cb 07/07/2024 fac I1844 24/06 , shesir mousse complet *6, animonda mousse *6, granatapet 200g 20.42 4.08 24.50 tefvpcegq2 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1843 Morel Carole , vrac virbac 10.43 2.09 12.52 tdknq4ucpg cb 07/07/2024 fac I1842 camus genevieve , croq vrac , animonda filet*6, animonda filet, ticket tombola 18.55 3.71 22.26 t3s3vheyrq cb 07/07/2024 fac I1841 bonnet claude , vrac virbac 15.51 3.1 18.61 tca7qpkxlk cb 07/07/2024 fac I1840 Rousseaux Evelyne , terrine lait *6, terrine *6, granatapet 200g*6 26.25 5.25 31.50 tueerhrz3x cb 07/07/2024 fac I1839 geneix liliane , granatapet symp*6, virbac W1 7kg, ticket tombola 79.58 15.92 95.50 te33q9nhcu cb 07/07/2024 fac I1838 macheffe marie christine , ticket tombola 1.67 0.33 2.00 tfqs3ddach cb 07/07/2024 fac I1837 poulalier virginie , granule lapin, friandise versele laga, cosma 70g duo , shesir 85g, monge *6 31.33 6.27 37.60 tfma67yxnp cb 07/07/2024 fac I1836 richard marysse , monge 85g *6, mousse animonda *6, tube cosma 200g, kong purrito 62.92 12.58 75.50 tfaqscxdtn cb 07/07/2024 fac I1835 sommer isabelle , vrac croq saumon, almo light *4, almo light , shesir 140g *6, shesir 85g*6, cats best 40l 69.83 13.97 83.80 tdr9gr6uh cb 07/07/2024 fac I1834 17/06 , vrac saumon, shesir 140g *6, cosma 85g*6 46.7 9.34 56.04 t9zmh9dar cb 07/07/2024 fac I1833 constant therese , hyaloral 22.5 4.5 27.00 trvexc2dhq espèces 07/07/2024 fac I1832 14/6 , virbac sterilised 7kg 55.83 11.17 67.00 tt4he2yl43 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1831 07/06 , virbac 7kg 55.83 11.17 67.00 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1830 lafarge marie christine , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 tchtzzgughs cb 07/07/2024 fac I1829 06/06 , cosma 170g*6, almo nature 280g*6, almo nature 85g*6, shesir 140g*6 44.58 8.92 53.50 tepp2ydpve cb 07/07/2024 fac I1828 Rousseaux Evelyne , vrac neutered 34.09 6.82 40.91 tdvgd23lvr cb 07/07/2024 fac I1827 baptiste francoise , terrine animonda *6, terrine animonda , mousse animonda, granatapet 200g, cats love promo, ticket tombola, granatapet 400g*6 44.92 8.98 53.90 tdgd9ayv9 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1826 Fabre Claude , ticket tombola 3.33 0.67 4.00 teqvpnulma cb 07/07/2024 fac I1825 Pasquier Bernadette , animonda mousse *6 10.83 2.17 13.00 tct3rmnp4u cb 07/07/2024 fac I1824 debain rose marie , ticket tombola 3.33 0.67 4.00 tc7zffhydh cb 07/07/2024 fac I1823 7/6 , carny ocean, shesir soup , sachet schesir , ticket tombola 14.75 2.95 17.70 tdyfnhvlug cb 07/07/2024 fac I1822 Michalak Marie , caisse transport, ticket tombola 39.17 7.83 47.00 tdlfunxdzs cb 07/07/2024 fac I1821 04/06 , vrac neutered, tombola 13.24 2.65 15.89 t6urzal4gv cb 07/07/2024 fac I1820 03/06 , terrine lait animonda *6, cosma 170g *6, shesir 140g *6 25.42 5.08 30.50 tdp2hvr36m cb 07/07/2024 fac I1819 dalegre Monique , almo nature 85g, terrine animonda, animonda friandise 30g, animonda friandise 170g, pipette anti puce *3, ticket tombola 20.42 4.08 24.50 teadxkxn23 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1818 richard marysse , almo nature 280g*6, animonda mousse *6, carny ocean *6, griffoir sapin 52.08 10.42 62.50 tsxzg94py3 cb 07/07/2024 fac I1817 31/05 , shesir complet *6, shesir 85g , shesir 50g *6, almo light *4, almo 50g 29.17 5.83 35.00 tcgpd9gtvr cb 30/06/2024 fac I1816 Bardoux Joëlle , animonda urinaire *6, almo urinaire, 400g granatapet *6, deplacement 31.92 6.38 38.30 virement 27/06/2024 fac I1815 Cha'roule Morgane Mercier , zylkene, alèses 40 8 48.00 cb 27/06/2024 fac I1814 mercier morgane , litiere granule, plaquette hyaloral, fit and trim , nourriture poney cgp 214.58 42.92 257.50 cb 21/06/2024 fac I1813 donis sabine , ticket tombola 1.67 0.33 2.00 4487274 chèque 20/06/2024 fac I1812 daubias marie paule , tombola 1.67 0.33 2.00 TFLZDUL6QC cb 20/06/2024 fac I1811 constant therese , hyaloral 22.5 4.5 27.00 espèces 20/06/2024 fac I1810 mucchielli michelle , ticket tombola 3.33 0.67 4.00 4487270 chèque 13/06/2024 fac I1809 28/05 , cats best 40l, soupe shesir , shesir 85g, almo nature 85g, animonda terrine 31.25 6.25 37.50 tescsyrscv cb 13/06/2024 fac I1808 27/05 , croquette vrac virbac W1 33.49 6.7 40.19 tylyatuzqr cb 13/06/2024 fac I1807 27/5 , vrac virbac neutered 3.82 0.76 4.58 tchrtva2ve cb 13/06/2024 fac I1806 mazeau jean louis , cats best 17kg 24.17 4.83 29.00 tcqlf6kg7h cb 13/06/2024 fac I1805 rousseau , terrine lait *6, vrac virbac neutered 17.92 3.59 21.51 tdyq44v632 cb 13/06/2024 fac I1804 22/05 , shesir 85g*6, cosma 170g, almo complet 85g, kitty kong 17.42 3.48 20.90 td9ryavpmv cb 13/06/2024 fac I1803 21/05 , shesir 85g *6, shesir 70g, shesir 50g *6, shesir complet 21.42 4.28 25.70 tc74xe7qu6 cb 13/06/2024 fac I1802 davies glenda , croquette vrac sweetie 24.58 4.92 29.50 tdzshn3h9p cb 13/06/2024 fac I1801 uber , croquette juinor 3kg, animonda lait , almo nature 140g, catz finefood 200g, cosma 85g , shesir 85g, shesir mousse 45.5 9.1 54.60 td6d76fraq cb 13/06/2024 fac I1800 Taillandier jeanne , almo nature 280g*6, almo 85g*6 , cosma 170g *6, shesir 140g*6, carny ocean *6, cosma duo *6 52.08 10.42 62.50 tcxh9a7tc3 cb 13/06/2024 fac I1799 rolland sonia , zylken 5 1 6.00 tdxu4sdsh2 cb 13/06/2024 fac I1798 De lescure Anne , virbac senior 3kg, virbac senior 1.5kg 47.08 9.42 56.50 tezvkku4y6 cb 13/06/2024 fac I1797 besson , vrac W1 , shesir *6 140g 47.3 9.46 56.76 tc2n39mt9t cb 12/06/2024 fac I1796 jasselin bros christele , ticket tombola 5 1 6.00 4487267 cb 11/06/2024 fac I1795 richard marysse , W1 virbac 7kg 59.17 11.83 71.00 t4gcp4dqc4 cb 11/06/2024 fac I1794 uber , almo nature 280g*6, mousse animonda *6, cosma tube 200g 69.17 13.83 83.00 tcxslynhn3 cb 11/06/2024 fac I1793 30/04 , boite 85g shesir *6, boite 70g shesir *6, shesir soupe *6, vrac croquette, sachet shesir 40.3 8.06 48.36 tckszh4tte cb 09/06/2024 fac I1792 Bernard , Virbac W1 3kg 28.33 5.67 34.00 4456091 chèque 07/06/2024 fac I1791 gatignol patrick et annick , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 4456090 chèque 07/06/2024 fac I1790 pradel marie ange , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 4456090 chèque 06/06/2024 fac I1789 buquet , profender pipette anti puce/tique, litiere, sachet animonda *6, carny ocean *6, animonda *6 39.25 7.85 47.10 virement 06/06/2024 fac I1788 bertin Elisabeth , carny ocean *6, croquette 3kg senior , mousses shesir, carny ocean, mousses animonda *6, almo light *4, déplacement véto, litiere 72.5 14.5 87.00 virement 04/06/2024 fac I1787 kanji , croquette, mousse animonda, animonda terrine 3.33 0.67 4.00 espèces 03/06/2024 fac I1786 constant therese , orijen chien 11kg, hyaloral 1 tab, sac litiere 101.67 20.33 122.00 4456089 chèque 03/06/2024 fac I1785 chenpy larrieu emmanuelle , remboursement frais vétérinaire 57.01 11.4 68.41 espèces 27/05/2024 fac I1784 Petit Cecile , griffoir, vrac W2 2.350kg 25.8 5.16 30.96 4456085 chèque 21/05/2024 fac I1783 emilie , hyaloral, huile de saumon grizzly 250ml 25.83 5.17 31.00 espèces 21/05/2024 fac I1782 maillot jacqueline , ticket tombola 1.67 0.33 2.00 espèces 21/05/2024 fac I1781 sabatier Céline , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 espèces 15/05/2024 fac I1780 26/04/24 , vrac w2 22.17 4.43 26.60 tdknvfqcd4 cb 15/05/2024 fac I1779 26/04/24 , optilife 2.5kg, vrac neuteured, vrac saumon, mousse animonda *6 41.8 8.36 50.16 tfapcckpxn cb 15/05/2024 fac I1778 26/04/24 , mousses *6, mousse animonda, terrine animonda *6 14.42 2.88 17.30 tcfgtyfrlx cb 15/05/2024 fac I1777 26/04/24 , shesir 85g*6, shesir 85 9.83 1.97 11.80 t9qluagc7 cb 15/05/2024 fac I1776 rousseau , animonda terrine, vrac croquette 5.17 1.04 6.21 tea92us9ra cb 15/05/2024 fac I1775 24/04/24 , virbac stérilised 7kg, mousse *6 , cats best 40l, almo 280g*6, carny ocean 115.92 23.18 139.10 tccsss3l9x3 cb 15/05/2024 fac I1774 24/04/24 , almo nature 280g*6 18.33 3.67 22.00 tet2l92hxf cb 15/05/2024 fac I1773 22/04/24 , cosma 170g*6, croquette virbac vra neutered 17.25 3.45 20.70 Tcfukca2q4 cb 15/05/2024 fac I1772 15/04/24 , almo nature 6*85g, mousses animonda *6 12.08 2.42 14.50 tgpl7zmkk cb 15/05/2024 fac I1771 13/04/24 , mousse *6 , terrine carny 6.42 1.28 7.70 tfgtpphqga cb 13/05/2024 fac I1770 mercier morgane , sac poney, croquette KJ 1 3kg, 6*400g catzfinefood-5% 182.5 36.5 219.00 13/05/2024 fac I1769 Cha'roule Morgane Mercier , croquette senior 11kg, alèses 80 16 96.00 cb 13/05/2024 fac I1768 09/04/24 , shesir 85g*6, shesir 140g *6, carny ocean 28.58 5.72 34.30 tdrpl2vm77 cb 13/05/2024 fac I1767 08/04/24 , mousses *6 , almo nature 280g *6, cosma friandises 200g 47.5 9.5 57.00 tnnmppk7cz cb 13/05/2024 fac I1766 08/04 , sac litiere 40L 24.17 4.83 29.00 tck2rfd4c3 cb 13/05/2024 fac I1765 08/04 , terrine *6 , terrine lait *6, rosie farm , shesir 140g, cosma 170g , almo 140g , shesir sachet, shesir soupe, cosma tube 220g 50.08 10.02 60.10 tcfqm72h4f cb 13/05/2024 fac I1764 05/04/24 , mousses *6 animonda, terrine *6 15.83 3.17 19.00 tdt2vtr2vv cb 13/05/2024 fac I1763 04/04/24 , animonda terrine lait *6 11.67 2.33 14.00 tee3acn6rh cb 13/05/2024 fac I1762 02/04 , gamelle ludique 15.42 3.08 18.50 tkc43msxtg cb 13/05/2024 fac I1761 richard marysse , mousses *6, almo 280g*6, griffoir sapin 39.17 7.83 47.00 tclnmszgep cb 03/05/2024 fac I1760 bertin Elisabeth , mousses *6 animonda , croquette vrac W2, litiere 5L, nouvel article 32.22 6.45 38.67 virement 03/05/2024 fac I1759 buquet , 3kg W2 virbac, litiere 5L, mousse *6 animonda, carny ocean, sachet animonda *6 58.58 11.72 70.30 virement 03/05/2024 fac I1758 chapdelaine brigitte , vrac W1 468g 4.29 0.86 5.15 cb 03/05/2024 fac I1757 Bardoux Joëlle , terrine feringa *6, terrine animonda *6, animonda lait *6, animonda urinary *6, terrine rosie *6, litiere 40L, 7kg w2, zylken, almo 85g urinary, 200g granatapet *6, déplacement 148.33 29.67 178.00 virement 30/04/2024 fac I1756 camus genevieve , neutered vrac, animonda sachet, animonda sachet, ticket tombola 35.57 7.11 42.68 espèces 25/04/2024 fac I1755 brechard sabrina , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 espèces 22/04/2024 fac I1754 poupet , jouet kong dragon 4.17 0.83 5.00 4456065 chèque 13/04/2024 fac I1753 hemery gilles , pipette anti puce 10 2 12.00 4456063 chèque 13/04/2024 fac I1752 constant therese , litiere cats best pellet 20L, croquette orijen chien 105.83 21.17 127.00 4456063 chèque 13/04/2024 fac I1751 mercier morgane , sac cgp , granatapet 200g -5%, sac litiere granulé-5%, Granatapet 400g-5% 169.58 33.92 203.50 tfp42e3e6a cb 13/04/2024 fac I1750 davies glenda , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 espèces 08/04/2024 fac I1749 26/03 , virbac baby 1.5kg 18.33 3.67 22.00 teutvxxe64 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1748 25/03 , virbac 1.5kg 19.17 3.83 23.00 tlfrfr6ax6 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1747 25/03 , shesir 140g, shesir 85g*6, shesir 50g*6, tombola 23.67 4.73 28.40 ts3lu74fhg cb 08/04/2024 fac I1746 23/03 , animonda terrine *6, animonda mousse 12 2.4 14.40 TEKETH44gh cb 08/04/2024 fac I1745 Clavelier Claude , almo nature 280g *6, ticket tombola 25 5 30.00 teq9anycq4 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1744 16/03 , almo 280g *6, shesir 140g*6, shesir 85g *6, cosma 170g *6 46.25 9.25 55.50 tdqqgzlrl6 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1743 prevost isabelle , virbac W2 vrac, almo light *4 30.5 6.1 36.60 tc6d69pgch cb 08/04/2024 fac I1742 baptiste francoise , almo 280g x6 18.33 3.67 22.00 tqtqmmy4k6 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1741 dorier Elodie , almo nature 1.92 0.38 2.30 tfdfphxe4s cb 08/04/2024 fac I1740 16/03 , cosma 85g, shesir 85g, shesir 85g mousse, rosie farm, almo 140g, animonda 17.58 3.52 21.10 t3kkkneeug cb 08/04/2024 fac I1739 15/03 , mousse animonda *6 , croquette 7kg carnilove solde 51.25 10.25 61.50 tc2thzedg9 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1738 richard marysse , virbac stérilised 7kg, fontaine a eau, animonda mousse *6 132.92 26.58 159.50 tvscf66veh cb 08/04/2024 fac I1737 sommers , vrac saumon, shesir 140g, animonda sachet filet, animonda filet grand, litiere cats best 38.47 7.69 46.16 tctrgq26en cb 08/04/2024 fac I1736 perreau stephanie , dragon kong chien, kong vers flingaroo 13.33 2.67 16.00 tff7dqm4l7 cb 08/04/2024 fac I1735 07/03 , virbac sac 3kg w1 28.33 5.67 34.00 teh369gyzh cb 08/04/2024 fac I1734 davies glenda , vrac W1 29.52 5.9 35.42 tdnyk6vssx cb 08/04/2024 fac I1733 04/03 , vrac virbac classique, almo nature 280g*6, cosma 170g *6, animonda mousse*6 59.8 11.96 71.76 TE6fas77ma cb 08/04/2024 fac I1732 uber , almo nature 85g, cosma 85g, shesir kitten mousse, rosie farm kitten, catzfinefood kitten 200g 14.67 2.93 17.60 tes4furm6c cb 08/04/2024 fac I1731 01/03 , virbac 1.5kg 18.75 3.75 22.50 tdtsd7nnmn cb 08/04/2024 fac I1730 29/02 , animonda mousse *6, animonda terrine , cats love réduit 20.25 4.05 24.30 terqrx66cv cb 08/04/2024 fac I1729 Rousseaux Evelyne , animonda terrine, granatapet symp *6 18.17 3.63 21.80 tccsdp6t3q cb 08/04/2024 fac I1728 28/02/2024 , croquette W1, 140g shesir *6 64.84 12.97 77.81 tfeugqcq7e cb 25/03/2024 fac I1727 Touret André , ticket tombola 8.33 1.67 10.00 espèces 19/03/2024 fac I1726 bertin Elisabeth , mousse *6 , déplacement vétérinaire, Litière , Croquettes vrac virbac 54.43 10.89 65.32 virement 19/03/2024 fac I1725 buquet , animonda mousse *6, grand sachet *6 , grand sachet, litiere, sac W2 1.5g 48.58 9.72 58.30 virement 19/03/2024 fac I1724 Bardoux Joëlle , 400g carny, animonda *6 , almo nature 280g *6 36 7.2 43.20 virement 13/03/2024 fac I1723 26/02/2024 , cosma 70g duo, cosma 170g, allmo nature 85g, animonda friandise, shesir *6 85g, terrine animonda *6, zylken 10gel 36.08 7.22 43.30 tde2zrutsf cb 13/03/2024 fac I1722 dalegre Monique , cat's best 40L, vrac W1, friandises animonda 30g 57.76 11.55 69.31 tddh7m7c6r cb 13/03/2024 fac I1721 24/02/24 , carnilove 18.33 3.67 22.00 tdnsy4lng2 cb 13/03/2024 fac I1720 21/02/24 , 20 comprimés seraquin, animonda friandise 30g 13.75 2.75 16.50 tcvur64zk7 cb 13/03/2024 fac I1719 De lescure Anne , virbac senior 1.5kg 18.33 3.67 22.00 trlxe9m429 cb 13/03/2024 fac I1718 constant therese , litiere granulé 20L, jouet kong 42.08 8.42 50.50 4456047 chèque 12/03/2024 fac I1717 18/02 , almo nature 280g*6, shesir 140g*6, shesir 85g*6, cosma *6 170g 46.25 9.25 55.50 teyuyyflyl cb 12/03/2024 fac I1716 19/02 , 6* almo 280g 18.33 3.67 22.00 teqelmrslq cb 12/03/2024 fac I1715 petit , croquette w1 vrac, almo 140g*6 29.41 5.88 35.29 tekuvg7dag cb 12/03/2024 fac I1714 Vilanova Dominique , animonda terrine *6, vrac croquette w1 58.37 11.67 70.04 tm3zf9lfuu cb 12/03/2024 fac I1713 merle christine , vetramyl 25 5 30.00 tctaddcyux cb 12/03/2024 fac I1712 08/02/24 , animonda mousses *6, animonda terrine *6 15.83 3.17 19.00 tdx3dvdntm cb 12/03/2024 fac I1711 geneix , virbac W1 vrac, animonda terrine *6, granatapet symphonie, granatapet 200g 14.41 2.88 17.29 tfhasyds3l cb 12/03/2024 fac I1710 5/2/24 , almo nature 85, shesir mousse kitten, cosma 85g, catzfinefood, rosie farm 100g, granatapet sachet 15 3 18.00 te4g33m7yz cb 12/03/2024 fac I1709 sommer isabelle , almo complet, shesir 85g, cosma 85g, vrac virbac saumon 19.43 3.89 23.32 teayx9nhms cb 08/03/2024 fac I1708 01/02/2024 , almo 280*6, almo 85g *6, animonda mousse *6 35.83 7.17 43.00 te3dghr32s cb 08/03/2024 fac I1707 02/02/24 , almo terrine *6, cosma 170g *6 41.25 8.25 49.50 tcrxnxztlp cb 06/03/2024 fac I1706 poulalier virginie , shesir sachet mousse, shesir 6 x 70g, cosma 85g x6, shesir 85g, sannabelle 10kg, granule lapin versele laga, cosma soup *12 79.92 15.98 95.90 chèque 06/03/2024 fac I1705 mercier morgane , sac cgp horse feed, eki renal+ 307.5 61.5 369.00 espèces 21/02/2024 fac I1704 mercier morgane , orijen fit and trim 11kg, plaquette hyaloral, virbac kj1 3kg, cgp horsefeed 299.58 59.92 359.50 cb 21/02/2024 fac I1703 desgeorges clemente , virbac 1.5kg baby, shesir mousse, shesir soupe, almo 85g , rosie farm 24.67 4.93 29.60 4429870 chèque 10/02/2024 fac I1702 poulalier virginie , bien etre interstinal -5%, cosma 85g*6, friandise lapin, shesir 85g *6, shesir sachet , shesir soupe *6 29.58 5.92 35.50 4429866 chèque 10/02/2024 fac I1701 Bardoux Joëlle , terrine animonda *6, carny 400g, litiere 40L 37.92 7.58 45.50 virement 10/02/2024 fac I1700 buquet , mousses animonda *6, animonda duo *6, terrine animonda *6, litiere, sac virbac W1 1.5kg, almo 75g 58.08 11.62 69.70 virement 10/02/2024 fac I1699 bertin Elisabeth , mousse animonda *6, mousse animonda, vrac W2 , litiere, virbac senior 1.5kg 72.9 14.58 87.48 virement 08/02/2024 fac I1698 29/01 , optilife 2.5kg, croquette vrac saumon 24.7 4.94 29.64 tc3gqkvxuy cb 08/02/2024 fac I1697 27/01 , terrine animonda, mousse animonda *6, carny 100g 12.17 2.43 14.60 tdltk3nq2u cb 08/02/2024 fac I1696 michalak marie , 7kg virbac w1 58.33 11.67 70.00 tee2ny9xng cb 08/02/2024 fac I1695 22/01 , almo nature *6 18.33 3.67 22.00 tcd4cpxvtg cb 08/02/2024 fac I1694 22/01 , virbac 7kg sterilised 55.83 11.17 67.00 tec63xpkca cb 08/02/2024 fac I1693 richard marysse , croquette 7kg saumon, almo nature 280g, shesir complet 85g*6 73.67 14.73 88.40 teay3yxea6 cb 08/02/2024 fac I1692 18/01 , cosma 85g, shesir 85g *6, almo nature 85g *6, shesir complet 85g*6 44.5 8.9 53.40 teht6xtt6z cb 08/02/2024 fac I1691 Vilanova Dominique , vrac W1 30.78 6.16 36.94 espèces 08/02/2024 fac I1690 juniet pascale , vrac saumon 3.42 0.68 4.10 tflfrvuu43 cb 08/02/2024 fac I1689 15/01 , 6* mousse , terrine 10 2 12.00 tclh672lcv cb 08/02/2024 fac I1688 15/01 , tube cosma friandise 18.33 3.67 22.00 tduvpqy9ns cb 08/02/2024 fac I1687 13/01 , almo nature complet, almo nature 85g , shesir 70g, cosma 85g 12 2.4 14.40 espèces 08/02/2024 fac I1686 Petit Cecile , croquette vrac w1, almo nature 140g 27.19 5.44 32.63 tccscvlflc cb 08/02/2024 fac I1685 12/01 , almo nature 280g, almo nature 85g, schesir complet 85g, cosma 170g*6, tube cosma 200g 46.17 9.23 55.40 td3cdz9muh cb 08/02/2024 fac I1684 08/01 , 6 terrines lait, 6 terrines 10.83 2.17 13.00 tealcfkmz4 cb 08/02/2024 fac I1683 04/01 , sac virbac 1.5kg 18.33 3.67 22.00 txxmx7qrce cb 08/02/2024 fac I1682 04/01 , animonda friandise 170g, optilife 2.5kg sensitive, shesir complet *6, shesir 85g*6, almo nature 85g*6, almo nature 140g , virbac vrac 2.31 71.73 14.35 86.08 tc27peq2xh cb 08/02/2024 fac I1681 02/01 , 6x almo 280g, 6* mousse 23.75 4.75 28.50 tdye3gxukd cb 08/02/2024 fac I1680 Taillandier jeanne , terrine animonda 2.75 0.55 3.30 tc2k6c2gg3 cb 08/02/2024 fac I1679 02/01/24 , sac virbac 1.5kg 18.33 3.67 22.00 TE3uutch3h cb 08/02/2024 fac I1678 29/12/2023 , 6* mousse animonda, 6* terrine animonda 9 1.8 10.80 tdm7t2ghe6 cb 31/01/2024 fac I1677 Pasquier Bernadette , vrac neutered, Optilife - 2.5 kg sterilised , animonda mousses *6 44.58 8.92 53.50 4429864 chèque 29/01/2024 fac I1676 constant therese , croquette orijen chien 11kg, litiere 83.33 16.67 100.00 4429863 chèque 15/01/2024 fac I1675 peron aude , kong 5.42 1.08 6.50 15/01/2024 fac I1674 28/12 , croquette virbac 3kg baby 29.17 5.83 35.00 tdlcznxvgy cb 15/01/2024 fac I1673 georgel denise et j-claude , vrac w1 27.67 5.53 33.20 tfc3exud6e cb 15/01/2024 fac I1672 28/12 , 1x Cats best 40L, almo nature, granatapet 200g 29.92 5.98 35.90 tcnals72l7 cb 15/01/2024 fac I1671 28/12 , Granatapet symphonie*6, terrine lait animonda *6, terrine animonda *6 26.25 5.25 31.50 tcvxyzrhku cb 15/01/2024 fac I1670 27/12 , cats best litiere , schesir *6 85g, cosma 175g *6, schesir *6 140g, almo nature *6 85g 59.58 11.92 71.50 tmkmsr7a7v cb 15/01/2024 fac I1669 21/12 , vrac croquette 22.55 4.51 27.06 tecmdz6afl cb 15/01/2024 fac I1668 Morel Carole , Vrac w1 , hygiene intestinale, litiere 36.8 7.36 44.16 tdn2vsvxvd cb 15/01/2024 fac I1667 clemente , 1x Cosma *6, shesir 85g, almo nature , rosie , edgar cooper, catzfinefood 200g, carny *6 22.25 4.45 26.70 tndp7c4xhc cb 15/01/2024 fac I1666 Buyssens Marc , 1x Vrac w1 , shesir *6 52.59 10.52 63.11 tcztuxkr9q cb 15/01/2024 fac I1665 desgeorges clemente , schesir mousse kitten *6, catz finefood 200g, almo nature , edgar cooper, cosma 85g 17.5 3.5 21.00 4429860 chèque 12/01/2024 fac I1664 13/12 , vrac W2 32.28 6.46 38.74 TDT7YKG4QD cb 12/01/2024 fac I1663 Petit Cecile , vrac W1 18.79 3.76 22.55 tdhx2fkz9k cb 12/01/2024 fac I1662 12/12 , almo nature 280g , seraquin 1 tab, almo nature 280g, animonda lait 56.25 11.25 67.50 tks2mn724e cb 12/01/2024 fac I1661 12/12 , Cats best 40L, shesir 85g *6, shesir *6 140g 38.75 7.75 46.50 tdaya9ak3a cb 12/01/2024 fac I1660 12/12 , 6* schesir 85g, kong , cosma fruit *6 39.17 7.83 47.00 tckzvp6stc cb 12/01/2024 fac I1659 richard marysse , cosma duo , griffoir sapin, cosma fruit *6, almo nature 70g 38.58 7.72 46.30 tcd7244ax2 cb 12/01/2024 fac I1658 rousseau , 6x Animonda lait, 6* granatapet symphonie, 6x terrine animonda 26.25 5.25 31.50 tfnkp3srpc cb 11/01/2024 fac I1657 05/12 , Shesir 140g, 6 terrines lait , almo nature 280g, almo nature 85g *6, nouvel article 25.17 5.03 30.20 tcg9uef9rp cb 11/01/2024 fac I1656 01/12 , Shesir *6 , virbac 7kg, animonda *6 terrine , animonda terrine lait , almo nature 76.92 15.38 92.30 TDS9UVZXTK cb 11/01/2024 fac I1655 Cha'roule Morgane Mercier , seraquin 1 tab, croq senior orijen, alèses 119.17 23.83 143.00 TDQ26RD7E2 cb 11/01/2024 fac I1654 mercier morgane , sac cgp, 11.4kg orijen fit and trim, seraquin*20 199.17 39.83 239.00 TDD4ZQFQME cb 10/01/2024 fac I1653 Cha'roule Morgane Mercier , alèses 45 9 54.00 TE6RDV2ECC cb 08/01/2024 fac I1652 Bardoux Joëlle , animonda *6, litiere, carny 400g, W1 vrac, bac vrac 10L, 200g concept regime *6, Virbac 7kg 169.13 33.83 202.96 virement 08/01/2024 fac I1651 bertin Elisabeth , almo 70g *6, almo light *4, shesir sachet *6, shesir 85g complet *6, balayette et pelle, sac poubelle, litiere, mousse animonda *6, filet catzfinefood, sachet catz 82.53 16.51 99.04 virement 08/01/2024 fac I1650 buquet , almo light *4, animonda *6, mousse animonda*6, filet catzfinefood, sac poubelle, litiere 66.82 13.37 80.19 virement